Second Stage - Ghost Hunting Event.
Ghost Hunting at the Second Stage Pub
Staff and patrons regularly see shadows in the venue, moving quickly between areas. The spirits of a young boy and girl have made their presence known and interact regularly. Knocks and loud banging have been heard on numerous occasions when investigating.
The price of the event includes the booking fee.
Ghost Hunting at the Second Stage Pub
Staff and patrons regularly see shadows in the venue, moving quickly between areas. The spirits of a young boy and girl have made their presence known and interact regularly. Knocks and loud banging have been heard on numerous occasions when investigating.
The price of the event includes the booking fee.
Ghost Hunting at the Second Stage Pub
Staff and patrons regularly see shadows in the venue, moving quickly between areas. The spirits of a young boy and girl have made their presence known and interact regularly. Knocks and loud banging have been heard on numerous occasions when investigating.
The price of the event includes the booking fee.
The Second Stage pub in Ilfracombe is an actively haunted venue. It has resident ghosts from when it was a hotel in the Victorian era, as well as pub patrons over the years. We also have spirits that like to visit occasionally and interact with ghost-hunting guests or paranormal teams investigating the venue.
Some of the activity that occurred on ghost hunts at the Second Stage.
The angry spirit of a man who seems to control all the other spirits
Two children in the Second Stage
A female spirit that does not like people in her space
Another male energy that visits the Second Stage
Unexplained EMF activity
Disembodied voices of two females, believed to be from the hot.
Large temperature drops
Loud banging on the ceiling (as if a hammer is being used)
Many different Spirits visit the Second Stage through a possible Portal.
A female spirit stands by pool tables. A high static sensation and a cold spot are felt.
Poltergeist activity reported by the staff
An entity in the cellar likes to stand before guests and block them from seeing any light sources; they also feel something is standing behind them or to the side.
We had one report from a female guest that something touched her behind.