EMF (Electro Magnetic Field)

What is EMF

EMF stands for the electromagnetic field. It is an invisible energy field created by electric and magnetic fields. It is all around us and can be detected using specialised equipment. EMF is most commonly associated with electronic devices, such as cell phones and computers, but can also be found in natural sources, such as the Earth's magnetic field. EMF can also be produced by paranormal activity, and it is these readings that ghost hunters use to detect the presence of ghosts.

K2 EMF meter

This is one of the most popular EMF devices used in ghost hunting. It is a handheld device that detects electromagnetic fields (EMF). It is typically used to detect the presence of paranormal activity in a given area.


The RemPod is another device used in ghost hunting. This device is an EMF detector and also an audio recorder. It is designed to detect EMF and other paranormal activity in an area and then record any audio it picks up.

TriField Meter

This is a professional-grade EMF detector many ghost hunters use. It is capable of detecting EMF as well as other frequency activity in a given area.

Static vs EMF

Static is an electric charge that is generated by friction. It can be created by rubbing two materials: a balloon and a wool sweater. Static is not an electromagnetic field and cannot be detected with EMF-detecting equipment. On the other hand, EMF is an invisible field of energy created by electric and magnetic fields. It can be detected using specialised equipment and is often associated with electronic devices and paranormal activity.


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